Please make it end! I can’t take it any longer!”
Our client had a long-term dispute with his ex-wife. They were divorced ten years ago.
Over this time, she filed against him several alimony lawsuits, including a compensation lawsuit for expelling her from their jointly owned beach house.
The Court had already obliged the husband to compensate his ex-wife with the sum of 18.000 Euros for expelling her from their beach house.
It was at that time when the husband contacted us and appointed us to his case, with one single request:
“Please make it end! I can’t take it any longer!”
Our first move was to reduce or eliminate, if possible, the money he regularly paid for alimony.
In Court, we requested that the wife agreed to selling the beach house, so that, with her share of the money, she could pay for her monthly expenses.
She argued that she wasn’t obliged to do so, because she needed the beach house as safety in case of a medical emergency.
We counter argued that if a medical emergency appeared, it would take several months to sell the house, while her need for money would be immediate, and, in fact, she wasn’t interested in selling the house now that it could serve her as a source of cashflow, since the delivery of the judgment that entitled her to 18.000 Euros compensation for being expelled. She would be filing such lawsuits for ever.
The Court delivered a judgment that she was obliged to agree to selling the house, since no one of the spouses was using it, and since her need for housing was satisfied by her accommodation at her exclusively owned apartment. She was now obliged to sell the house and use her share of the money to live by for the next 20 years, without filing for alimony again.
The Court also judged that her denial to sell the beach house was unjustified, adjudging her only 50% of the alimony sum she filed for.
The next move will be the mandatory selling of the house, that our law firm will initiate against the will of our client’s ex-wife, which will end all the dispute once and for all.
Our client’s peace of mind has started to return.